Frequently Asked Questions
What genre do you write?
New Adult. Contemporary Romance. Romantic Suspense. Western Romance.
Are your books available in audio format?
The majority of them are. Most of them, I also was fortunate enough to pick my narrators.
Leveled and Unbroken are not available in audiobooks because they are novellas and too short. The Best Bad Things is not available because it is a bit of a strange book, and I didn’t think I would see my investment back if I paid to produce it.
Are there any plans in the works to adapt your books for film or television?
Yes! I’m so excited that Voltage Pictures is adapting Rule into a feature film in 2024, starring Chase Stoked and Sydney Taylor.
You can read all about it on the dedicated movie page here on my website. I’m going to keep this spot updated as much as possible.
For the Latest News please visit:
Do I know the names of the models on my covers or have their social media handles?
No. Most of my covers are stock images purchased off of a website for the sole use of the cover. Some are custom images I purchased from a professional photographer, who is the only person I deal with in the transaction, not the model. And several of my covers were created by a design team at my different publishing houses, so I have little to no say in them.
Where does the inspiration for my books come from?
No really. It can hit at any time.
It can be a television show or a movie. Sometimes it’s song lyrics or walking by a stranger on the street that sparks inspiration for men. I also find myself surrounded by creative people, so it can be a conversation or an inside joke that spawns a brilliant idea. I think my mind is always open and ready for that ah-ha moment to strike (this is key for me to work on something new). Sometimes there are so many exciting ideas it becomes hard to weed through them all and settle on one that might make a good story. The longer I’ve been writing, the more aware and sensitive I’ve become to all those plot bunnies flying around. It’s become easier to snatch them out of midair with practice.
Do I have a favorite book or character that I’ve written?
I like them all for different reasons. The truth is whatever book I’m currently working on tends to be my favorite at that time. That’s the project and the characters I’m entirely focused on, so it’s hard to see or think beyond them while working. Overall, all my characters, both the boys and the girls, the heroes and the not-so-nice guys, have a piece of my heart. I can honestly say I have no regrets about any book I’ve published. I think all these characters have a story that deserves to be told, and I feel fortunate I’m the one who gets to tell them.
Any advice for aspiring writers?
It is important that you finish whatever it is you are writing before you start to stress about everything that comes next. You can’t edit a blank page. You can’t submit a partial manuscript to an agent or editor. You can’t publish an unfinished book. Once you get to The End, then it is time to put a plan in place for everything that comes next.
You also need to hire professionals if you plan to publish. You need an editor. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you otherwise.
It’s also a good rule of thumb to write what you want to read. That is a solid way to connect to the content you’re creating. If you feel like you enjoy the story as a reader, chances are someone else will as well. And if you feel like the story is something you were missing as a reader, there’s a good chance someone else has also been looking for a similar story to fill up that blank space on their shelf.
How long does it take me to write a book start to finish?
Right around 3-4 months when I factor in editing.
Writing a rough draft and going through beta edits usually takes 1-2 months.
Then it’s a month of content edits and revisions. This is usually a 3-step process.
Lastly, the title goes through copy edits, which can be 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the amount of work.
Obviously, the length of time for any step can vary depending on factors and the availability of the professionals paid to work on the manuscript. Things can move much faster or slower if a book is published through a traditional publisher.
My comfort zone is releasing a book every season. I can typically get 4 to 5 books a year published without losing my mind or feeling like I’m working myself into the grave. That’s a combination of self-published titles and traditional titles. It can be more or less if I have to work around a publisher’s schedule. In 2022, I took an extended hiatus because I started working on a book and could not get past the prologue for the life of me.
Nothing is standard when you are creating something from nothing. I’ve learned that I have to give each book however much time it needs
Can I contact you and will you respond if I reach out?
You can email me using the form on this website or by sending your message directly to
I do answer all my own emails. I try to get to them as quickly as possible, but they do tend to pile up if I’m traveling or working down to the wire on a deadline. I won't write back if the email is hateful and ugly in any way. Those are
If you send a direct message on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, or Facebook, it is possible I won’t see it. I don’t check those inboxes as regularly and they have filters that can make it impossible to see some messages. Email is your best bet.
If you want to interact with me more often, then you should join my readers' group on Facebook, Crownover’s Crowd.
I pop in very regularly to comment and go live. It is a lot of fun.
How do I get a review copy of your books?
For my traditionally published books, my publisher handles the review copies.
For my independently published books, my assistant handles the review copies. I already have a review (ARC team) in place. When looking for new members, we usually pull them from my reader group.
I highly suggest joining if getting an advance copy of any future release is something you are interested in.
My reader group is Crownover’s Crowd
How should you keep up with all my new releases?
Follow me on social media. (Listed above)
Follow me on Bookbub.
Follow me on Amazon.
Follow me on Instagram
Follow me on TikTok
Follow me on Twitter
Follow me on Facebook
Sign up for my newsletter. (this is the most fun option in my opinion)
Join my reader group.
Will I read your manuscript, book short story., for a blurb or feedback?
Unfortunately, my workload does not allow me to beta read for others at this time. I do consider blurbing upcoming titles on a case-by-case basis but only agree to blurb if the book is one I would honestly recommend to readers. It never hurts to ask, and I want to be helpful when and if possible.
Currently, I do not sell my books. But I will sign yours if you want to send it to me along with return shipping.
All you have to do is follow these instructions:
~Email Melissa at so she can let me know you are sending books.
~ Once she verifies your request, she will give you the address to send the books and return postage.
~ Send your book or books to me. Either directly or have them sent to me from a retailer.
~Include a note telling me to whom you want them personalized to
~ Include a self-addressed PRE-PAID POSTAGE envelope/box for your return.
(This is the most important step. If you do not do this, I can not mail your books back to you.)